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Since early 2018, Minecraft has sold over 14 million copies. This makes it the second most-sold video game, after Tetris.

It's so popular because of this. It's not a video game. It's an educational tool which teaches children how to code, how solve problems, and how to use creativity. Mod developers can expand on the platform.

If you are new to the game, buy it and start playing. But if you want to enjoy the full Minecraft experience, you'll need to set up your own private Minecraft server.

This guide will walk you through how to set up a Minecraft server on Windows or Mac. These steps will help you set up your server if you already have one from us.

How to create a Minecraft server for Windows, Mac, or Linux

At the very core, these are the steps you'll need to follow to set up a Minecraft server:

1. Java 2: Update to the most current version Select a place for your server. Download the Minecraft server software 4. Start the Minecraft server 5. Check to ensure that your server is accessible

Consider your options

If you want to run a Minecraft server from home, make sure you have a powerful system that allows it to run smoothly.

A game server hosting provider is an alternative to hosting your server at home if security or other reasons are not acceptable. A Dedicated Server from Heart Internet is a great choice because it doesn't expose your home network to the outside world and saves you the headache of managing server hardware.

Let's get started!

Setting up a Minecraft server on Windows

Java version 7.0

Minecraft is a Java-based application. It is important to ensure that you have the latest Java version. Go to java.com/en/download to download the latest Java version and install it.

Next, choose the location from which you want to set up the server. We recommend creating a folder to keep all files organized.

Once you've chosen a location, go ahead and download the latest Minecraft server setup software from the official site.

This will download as an.jar file. Move it to the place you selected in step 2 and double-click to start it.

You will also need to accept the EULA agreement. Edit the eula.txt and change eula=false from eula=true.

Now you're ready to start the Minecraft server.

Go to the Minecraft server folder where you installed the server files and initiate the server by executing this command:

You can also double-click the file.jar to restart the server. In this case, you might need to allow the Minecraft server through the firewall.

That's it. Now that your server is running, you can start inviting people to connect to your server via your local IP address or via your external/ public IP address.

Enter your IP address into the Minecraft Server Status Checker to check if your server is accessible.

Mac OS X: How to set up a Minecraft server

Java can be installed or updated

Java is automatically installed if you are using a recent version of MacOS. You may need to download an older version of Java from the Apple website.

Create a dedicated folder for all your Minecraft server files so everything is organised and easy to find.

Download the Minecraft server setup software from the official website.

This downloads in a.jar format, which you should save at the location you specified in the previous step.

Next, open TextEdit. Set the format to plain text. Copy the following and paste it into the file

exec java -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

Save the file as start.command in the same folder where the other Minecraft server setup files are located.

To make it work you will need to grant permission.

Open Terminal and type chmod +x after the command. Drag and drop start.command files into the terminal window. Then press enter.

Start the server

Double-click start.command to open a new window in your terminal.

You might get error messages or missing file warnings if you are running the server for first time. This is normal so it's nothing to be alarmed about.

Here you are! Your server is now up and running. You can now invite others to connect via their local IP address or external/public IP address.

Verify that your server has internet access

Don't forget to enter your IP address into the Minecraft Server Status Checker to check if your server is accessible.

Setting up a Minecraft server on Linux

As mentioned before, if you don't want to take on the risks or the hassle of hosting a server at home, you can always get a game server hosting plan like a Dedicated Server from Heart Internet.

Next, connect to your hosting via SSH. If you are not familiar with the process, this support article will explain it.

While SSH'd into your host as the root user, enter the following command:

This will return a list containing the OpenJDK package that can be used to install Java. Let's select openjdk-7-jdk, which is the OpenJDK 7 Development Kit.

Use the following command to update the list of packages from the remote repositories:

Next, install the selected software package:

Now press "Y" and the installation will be authorized.

Choose a location for your Minecraft server files

Create a new folder on your host where you'd like to save all your Minecraft server files. MINECRAFT Then, navigate to that folder.