Entropius WoW TBC Private Server I Checked So You Dont Have To

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Hello there, I just wanted to give some insight on Entropius WoW to anyone interested and not wanting to full commit.

(Read this entire section.) It's basically just a dead server. All about private wow servers The most people I've seen online at any time was 40. Like, on the dot...That being said, their discord is slightly more active, and players will log on if you advertise in their discord. There are no people waiting in the streets for something, but they are not dead.

I was impressed by the kindness of the players I met, and felt it was a close-knit community. They were happy to welcome TBC's classic players and they hope for more.

Their level 70 boost, which they've been advertising, works very well. After signing up with their site, you can click the discord icons while logged in. It'll link your discord account and give you 1100 tokens, exactly what you need to get a boost of 70. Was very simple.

However, I felt they were too generous with their gear. Grn online I boosted a mage and was given the spellstrike sets, a BoE epic ring, and various other epics (not quite as noteworthy though).

It is not my intention to tell you whether or not you should try it, but I have made some observations. It will save people time in deciding if they want it or not.