Ask WoW Insider Best Way To Find A New Server

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Welcome everyone to Ask WoW Insider, where we publish one of your questions every Friday (feed us new questions at ask AT wowinsider DOT com!). Last week we looked at how to level a character far from home in another race's starting zone. All about private wow servers This week, we will be looking at common problems: finding a new server. MrRaist writes, This week's question: How do you move on and find a server to play on? There are so many options when it comes to WoW servers. But how do you find the best one? I play on a US PVE server (won't say the name to protect the lousy players) and I've reached a point where the server doesn't do anything for me anymore. The economy is bad, the players are horrible, and it's almost impossible to find decent players to do anything. So how do I move on? Take a look at the forums. Ask WoW Insider? Have you ever tried to figure out how to play WoW insider? I have four toons that I need to move and I am looking for $100 to move them. I want to make sure they are safe before I move them to a new place.

What do you think about this? We've already discussed correlated issues, especially how to find a good guild. But switching servers en masse presents another set of problems. How do you find a new home to your toons? Or can you share your experiences with the process?

LFG KZ had some ideas about this topic. However, before you make the leap, you will need to know how to do /gquit. (Does anyone else feel a mashup?). We would love to hear your proven methods of finding the best server for your needs in the comments. You can also send us your questions at wowinsider DOt com for next week.

All about private wow servers