12 Companies Leading The Way In Log Effect Electric Fire

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Log Effect Electric Fire

Log effect electric fireplaces are a great way to add an authentic feel to your living area without the hassle of a real fireplace. They employ different technologies, such as multi-colored LED lighting and video projection to create realistic flame effects.

Some also feature 3D flames with holographic patterns that can be rearranged depending on your mood. This is a fascinating and life-like experience.

Realistic flames

A log effect electric fire appears incredibly realistic and can easily be mistaken for a real wood burning fire. It's made possible by different technologies that utilize multi colored LED lighting and video projection to create realistic flame effects. The most stunning models utilize a high definition video to display flames that flicker and glow in different shades. They also have the ember bed up-lighting feature and a crackling sound that helps to set the mood in the room.

The cheapest log effect fires use lighting bulbs to create an image of a flame while the next step up is 2D images that appear fake. This can be improved by using an HD video of the actual flame that uses real-time motion to mimic organic movement and color. Some manufacturers have the "flicker setting" which simulates a flickering flame.

MagikFlame fireplaces provide a new level of realistic 3D flames. This is where the real magic occurs. The logs in a MagikFlame electric fireplace are placed in a cavity, and holographic flames are projected onto them. The flames flicker, shine and move exactly like real flames. You can choose from 30 different styles to create a cozy ambience inside your home.

MagikFlame electric fireplaces are a great option for homeowners who want to replace their old log set and grate with a more attractive. They are simple to install, and they can be controlled via remote control. They are safe to use wherever in the house and do not release any fumes. They can also heat up the entire room. They are also self-contained and do not require a chimney nor a flue. They are the perfect solution for homes that want the appearance of a fireplace as good as a traditional one, without having to deal with smoke or ash.

Easy to install

There are a variety of log effect electric fireplaces that are easy to put in available that provide amazing flame effects and heat without the hassle of burning wood. These fires are designed to be installed in existing fireplaces, allowing you to make use of your hearth without the cost of costly masonry work. Plug-in electric fires, electric fireplace inserts or log sets are a few of the most popular models.

An electric plug-in that creates an effect similar to a log is a steel box that fits into the opening of your existing wood-burning fire. It comes with a built-in heater that pushes warm air into the room, and an ambient LED "flame" is projected onto the log set or the back of the unit. The fires can be plugged directly into a wall outlet which makes them much easier to install than traditional fireplaces with logs.

They can be erected on flat walls and are available in various styles, from traditional to modern. Some have a unique ThruView design and others utilize Magikflame technology that simulates real logs and smoldering embers. You can also control them with your tablet or smartphone via an app. They can also be used with or without a heater making them suitable for use all year round.

You can install a log effect electric fire with a bit of DIY expertise. Begin by measuring the height of your fireplace and then mark it with a pencil on the wall. Then, use a stud finder to locate the wall studs where you'll install the mounting bracket, as this will ensure a solid and safe installation.

Decide on the location for your fireplace by taking into consideration the layout of your room. Make sure it is accessible from seating areas, as well as located in a location that is easy to clean. Also, turn off the electricity to your fireplace and ensure that all electrical outlets are disconnected and turned off prior to commencing any installation work.

It is also important to ensure that the fire's mounting bracket is suitable for the type of wall you're building. You'll require a stronger bracket if your wall is made of brick or blocks, instead of plaster. It is also important to consider the thickness of the fireplace's surround, as this can affect how securely the fireplace mounts to the wall.

Energy efficient

A log effect electric fireplace is a great option to modernize your fireplace without sacrificing money or space. It's a great alternative to expensive gas log sets, which can be difficult to install and maintain. The most significant benefit of a log fire that is electric is its energy efficiency. These fires are a great choice for homeowners who want to improve their fireplace but don't have the funds to build a wood-burning fireplace.

Many electric logs have a built-in heater within the fuel bed that produces heat that makes them more economical than traditional wood burning fires. You can enjoy the warmth of an open flame all year long with minimal loss of heat. Some models provide additional fuel effects, such as crystal ice or coal, that can be turned on and off at will.

The wattage is another aspect to take into consideration. It is a measurement of how much electricity is consumed and is determined by the energy provider. If your electric fireplace is powered by a higher wattage it will consume more energy. This is why it's essential to choose an electric fireplace that has a low wattage which can be determined by examining the manufacturer's website or calling your local retailer.

Electric fires do not need an air-conditioning system or chimney, unlike gas logs. electric heater makes them the most cost effective option, especially when compared to gas fireplaces that often require a gas line as well as professional installation. Electric fireplaces can be turned on and off at the touch of an button. Gas fireplaces have to be lit manually and may take longer to illuminate.

The best electric fireplace for your home will depend on three elements such as the aesthetic quality as well as the build quality and the capability to heat. Most small standalone logs that are portable fall short in all three categories with poor quality ember glow and limited heating ability. Most wall mounted electric logs have an LED display with a realistic flame pattern to create the illusion of real fire. Some even have an electronic thermostat and a timer to provide the ultimate convenience.


Electric log fires can be installed to almost any fireplace. There is no chimney or gas line, nor venting is required. They can be used year-round. They are a great option for those who want to save money on heating bills and create a cozy atmosphere in their home. They are available in a variety of dimensions and styles, so you can find the right fit for your space.

They differ from traditional stoves that burn wood in that they do not emit any smoke or sparks. They create a realistic fire picture through angled glass and monitors that play a looped movie of the real log fireplace. This creates an amazing effect that is simply unrivalled by anything else available.

Electric log fires are more simple to install than gas or wood-burning fireplaces. Simply plug it in and switch it on. When looking for an electric fire it is essential to choose the best product. Some brands are more reliable than others. It is best to stick with well-known brands like Dimplex Duraflame and Napoleon.

You can choose between two kinds of electric log fires that are an insert or a set of logs. The insert is a steel container that sits on top of a grate and fits into the existing hearth. The grate houses the logs, which are plugged into an outlet. A fan and heater inside the unit push warm air into your home while an LED projecting a flame makes it glow.

A log set is an arrangement of pre-fabricated "logs" that are positioned in your existing wood fireplace and then plugged into an outlet. These are an excellent option for those who want to reuse their fireplaces, however they don't offer the same heat or flame effects as electric inserts.

There are also a number of different kinds of electric log effect fires which include models with an elongated flame that resembles a rotisserie. This kind of electric fire is made up of an extended spindle and metal flame shape plates that turn to give the appearance of a real flame. This kind of fire is considered the most authentic.