Daintree Residences Condo Petasia Realty Blog

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City fringe apartment singapore Balance Units Price List Daintree Home New Introduce Condominium sales near Appeal World Park mrt Station (DT5 ), Daintree Residence is a 99-year leasehold domestic job located at 11A Toh Tuck Roadway (Singapore 596157) in District 21 with 12 blocks of 5-storey houses with 327 units in total. S P Setia is a veteran home designer that's well known for planning and developing eco areas and municipalities. So it's relatively obvious that the Daintree Residence units will be very luxurious and very comfortable. A few of the notable features of the systems include a high ceiling with great ventilation, extravagant and spacious interior in addition to substantial veranda that can be converted into extra home. If you are searching for an apartment in Singapore where you'll live, work and play, Daintree Home might just be a terrific choice for you.
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